
Vilniaus kolegija/Higher Education Institution (VIKO)

VIKO is the largest accredited higher professional education institution in Lithuania, which was founded in 2000 merging 8 schools of higher education. VIKO has 460 qualified educators, 60 of whom are Doctors of Science (PhD) and around 6700 students on 45 study programmes in 7 faculties: Electronics and Informatics, Economics, Business Management, Health Care, Pedagogic, Arts and Creative Technologies and Agrotechnologies. Six study programmes are carried out in English. The duration of full-time studies are 3 – 3,5 years. The university is the only higher education institution in Lithuania, which has been awarded with the diploma of the Knowledge Economy Forum for innovations. Apart from basic studies short-time refresher courses are offered. Every year the study programmes are being revised to respond to current social and economic requirements of labor market, the society needs. VIKO offers a dynamic atmosphere – exiting, forward-thinking environment and the local, national and international community. Internationalization is one of VIKO’s priority areas that is why all the faculties are actively involved in various projects. The University aims at promoting all possible mobilities providing students with the best opportunities to study at foreign education institutions and finding placements in companies abroad, as well as opening prospects for teachers to enhance their competence through staff trainings and international research projects, to exchange knowledge and experience with colleagues from different countries. Every year more than 200 students spend their international semesters studying or having placements abroad. VIKO is one of the top 10 institutions in students’ and teachers’ international mobility. In relation to improving the quality and relevance of higher education VIKO constantly updates curricula as per market needs. Social partners have a strong role in the study process participating in the curricula development, in the committees for final project evaluation, etc. Together with partners new study programmes are being developed. The university graduates tracking and Alumni section creation will give further possibilities to be in alliance with the changing needs in wider economy. VIKO is a member of numerous international (EURASHE, SPACE, ENPHE, AEC, VETNNET, CDIO, ELIA, EAEC, Baltic Sea Network, Comenius Association, ILITE Network, worldwide PE network EUROPEN PEN-International) and national (Knowledge Economy Forum, INFOBALT, Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts and others) organizations, associations and networks actively participates in the programmes of the European Union (The Lifelong Learning Programme, Tempus, Nordplus, ERASMUS+). VIKO has a huge experience in project administration and participation, every year runs several different EU projects.

EKA University of Applied Sciences

EKA University of Applied Sciences has a long-term experience in digital education. E-studies provided by EKA are not only passive usage of Moodle platform as a digital warehouse, but also real-time online lectures. EKA e-environment contains the following for the study needs: MyEKA mobile application, Moodle and Big Blue Button (video conference system, which is used to stream (and record) video lectures), E-Nexus (academic staff database and research work repository, students’ information database). EKA has 2 ICT-based bachelor study programmes: Information Technologies (Programming) and Computer Game Design and Graphics (the unique programme in Latvia). In 2019, the Digital laboratory (DigLab) was established at EKA. It is equipped with Windows and Mac computers, Android on iOS smart devices and Oculus Rift, to develop and test computer and mobile games, as well as to launch VR projects. Besides, EKA was engaged into different activities related to digital education and digital games, for instance: – In 2020, EKA, in cooperation with Riga Distance Learning secondary school, has developed the Virtual reality study course in economics (first in Latvia) – GGJ (Global Game Jam) Next 2020 Riga (game development event) – NordPlus Adult project Promoting E-Learning for Adults to Improve Quality and Availability of Life-Long Education in 2017-2019 (aimed to improve adult education quality and availability, by contributing to the development of free-access IT-based educational products) – Organization of the online webinar Application of digital tools in learning process to support Latvian school teachers in COVID crisis time.

Cracow University of Economics (CUE)

Cracow University of Economics (CUE) is one of the largest economics higher education institutions in Poland. Three Colleges of the University (College of Economics, Finance and Law, College of Management and Quality Sciences and College of Public Economy and Administration) offer 31 major study programmes and 92 specialities adjusted to the current economy’s needs and labour market requirements. CUE offers all levels of educational programmes, including full-time and part-time first cycle (BA) and second cycle (MA) courses, one-tier master’s studies, PhD and post-diploma programmes. All the faculties have full academic rights and are granted high parametric assessments. CUE faculty members and teaching staff are experienced theoreticians and practitioners – 747 academic teachers, including 57 holders of the title of a professor, and 129 with post-PhD degrees (habilitated doctors). CUE has about 13 500 students. CUE graduates are among the most successful in Poland in matching their knowledge and skills with the employers’ needs. CUE puts emphasis on international cooperation, especially international research and projects. International knowledge transfer and the exchange of experience within the framework of joint research projects and undertakings are carried out with the cooperation with more than 200 higher education institutions all over the world. The faculty and students’ trips abroad for scientific purposes as well as foreign internships and training programmes are one of the University’s priorities. CUE is member of international organisations (i.e. European University Association, Network of International Business and Economic Schools, etc.). The University is experienced in managing and implementing various international projects (both EU granted projects and others). CUE is one of 21 higher education institutions in Cracow (and one of two schools of Economics). To ensure the highest quality of education at the University of Economics in Cracow, the quality assurance policy was designed and implemented (CUE Senate resolution no 42/2015). In particular, the system includes: 1) Monitoring and analysis of the quality of education in the CUE, evaluation and verification of learning outcomes, assessment of the quality of study programmes, methods and conditions of conducting classes; 2) Conducting mandatory class supervision visits; 3) Ensuring a high professional level of teaching staff, administrative and technical support; 4) Updating and expanding the educational offer, including the use of methods and techniques of distance learning; 5) Involving students and the University stakeholders in the process of quality management of education, including the formulation and evaluation of education programmes; 6) Expanding cooperation with leading domestic and foreign institutions in the field of education, research and knowledge transfer; 7) Regular quality testing of education among University graduates; 8) Monitoring of the graduates’ careers; 9) Development of educational infrastructure. On 5 October 2020, Cracow University of Economics was granted the HR Excellence in Research Award by the European Commission.

Iron Cat

Iron Cat is a private company that works mostly on virtual and augmented reality content creation and consulting, as well as on non-standard, innovative solutions for modern business and other institutions. UAB “Iron Cat” has been working in the field of Virtual reality/AR for three years, creating content for the most famous brands operating in Lithuania, state institutions. The company is one of the few major companies in the sector in the country. The company is engaged not only in the technical execution of projects, but also in creative and directing solutions. The team of Iron Cat has been specializing in the management of innovative entertainment since the beginning of its activity, therefore the harmonization of the technical solution with the best user experience is a task that meets our competencies. More about the company’s projects could be found in the website:

Lietuvos imitacinių bendrovių asociacija (LIBA)

LIBA (Lith. Lietuvos imitaciniu bendroviu asociacija “Liba“) is a non-profit Association, founded in 2015 and providing support to the Lithuanian Practice Enterprise network. LIBA was created by a group of active people and organisations working with Practice Enterprise concept in Lithuania.
LIBA is a young organization but all members have long-time experience working with Practice Enterprise concept. LIBA has 42 members representing numerous institutions (universities, basic education schools and VET) and regions of Lithuania. The Association is working according to the Strategic Action Plan for the year.
The aim of LIBA is to gather various institutions with Practice Enterprises, Practice Enterprise Trainers, Teachers, Coordinators, Trainees who is or where working with Practice Enterprise concept, social partners, other natural or legal persons on purpose to:

  • Improve Practice Enterprise model according to target groups (Trainers, Trainees) needs;
  • Stimulate qualitative and quantitative Practice Enterprise expansion;
  • Organize and moderate mutually beneficial partnership between Association members and all interested organizations.

The main objectives are:

  • To promote lifelong learning concept;
  • To liaise with Lithuanian and European associations working with entrepreneurship education and lifelong learning concept;
  • To organise various seminars and other events;
  • To participate and initiate national and international projects;
  • To cooperate with governmental, public or private institutions, associations and people in Lithuania and worldwide who are taking part in formal or informal entrepreneurship education and lifelong learning activities.